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Vegan Cheese

Vegan Cheese
(adapted from “The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook”)

A simple, delicious recipe for vegan cheese!

——1/2 Cup Nutritional yeast flakes (Red Star Vegetarian Yeast Flakes recommended - they have vitamin B12)

——1/2 Cup Flour

——1 teaspoon Salt

——2 cups Water

——1/4 cup Margarine (lactose-free, like Willow Run or other soybean-based brand)

Mix yeast flakes, flour, and salt in a saucepan. Then add water. Heat and stir until consistency becomes thick. Then turn off heat and immediately add margarine. Stir margarine until it melts completely.

That’s it. Makes enough for about a week. Good for grilled cheese, mac-and-cheese, nacho dip, etc.

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