Michigan Animal Rights Society
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About MARS

The Michigan Animal Rights Society (MARS) is an organization made up of University of Michigan students, faculty, alum and local residents. The goal of our group is to raise awareness about a variety of animal and environmental related issues including farmed animals, domestic animal rescue, vegetarianism, animal experimentation, and wildlife protection. We educate and inform the University of Michigan community through direct action such as flyering, taking part in protests and demonstrations, putting together educational programs, campaigns, sponsoring speakers, bi-weekly meetings, and various other activities. In the past, we have maintained our goals and functioned as an active group with the support of the University in addition to our own fund-raising efforts. We are still active in the 2008-09 school year. E-mail martians@umich.edu if you are interested in joining or being put on our e-mail list.


© 2003 Michigan Animal Rights Society. Some Rights Reserved under a Creative Commons License