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Primate Week Petitioning Success!

Just wanted to update everybody about MARS and Primate Week (Oct. 11th-19th).

Yesterday, some PETA2 staffers as well as myself and one other MARS member collected nearly 300 student signatures (and planted awareness for possibly thousands) condemning the cruel and unnecessary cocaine/alcohol experiments that are happening over at the University of Michigan Medical School. As per now, the plan to boost awareness of this issue is as follows:

1.) Garner student support through petitions before and during Primate Week
2.) Post these flyers around campus:

Primate flyer 1.
Primate flyer 2.

3.) Decide on a date to do a Diag demonstration with volunteers taking turns being inside a wire dog cage while others hand out information/hold out signs about primate testing in general as well as specific information about what’s happening at our school

4.) Contact the Michigan Daily and Ann Arbor News before our demonstration to see if we can get on the front page

For the reports about what’s happening at U of M, please see the following links:

U of M: SAEN.

USDA Reports. (begins on page 35 of the document)

Also if you have trouble seeing any of the links/documents, let me know and I can send them to you via e-mail

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